Meet Your Instructor | Monika Maria Delong


My Story

I’m Monika Maria Delong (Dziedzic), the creator of Peak Fertility Health. I was born in Rzeszow, Poland, and moved to the United States when I was 4 years old. I’ve been a Registered Professional Nurse since 2015, with a background in Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) nursing. Now, I’m a Certified Marquette Method Instructor! After my own journey with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and miscarriage, I felt called to help women get to the root of their unique reproductive health related problems. I’m not a fan of the depersonalized “one size fits all approach” which has unfortunately become the norm in women’s health. After trying various methods, I felt the Marquette Method was the most objective and easy to use, and now I want to bring it to each of my clients.

I want my clients to feel confident in charting their cycle no matter what circumstance they are in, and know they have a place where they can find resources if they experienced loss during the fertility journey. There are many things in life we invest in, and our health should be one of them. We should not wait to start taking care of ourselves until we make the decision to have a family. This method of Natural Family Planning can help women do just that.

Behind the Name

The name “Peak Fertility Health” comes from a variety of inspirations. First, we consider women to be most fertile during the “peak days” in which the monitor provides a “Peak Fertility” reading on the monitor. When graphing the hormones estrogen and LH during a cycle, they form what appears to be a mountain peak. I was already a huge fan of mountains and hiking before I started Peak Fertility Health; it seemed like an excellent metaphor for achieving various goals; and my goal now is to help each of my clients achieve optimal health fertility wise. Being at peak health is always the best goal for your body, and with the Marquette Method, I want to help you soar to those heights. Check out some of the testimonials below of clients who found their needs met while working with me via the Marquette Method.

Hear from some of my clients!

In order to respect their privacy & confidentiality, the names will remain anonymous.


“As if the season of postpartum wasn’t unpredictable enough, getting back into NFP was difficult not having regular cycles for months. I was confused about what method to choose under my circumstances of exclusively breastfeeding until Monika introduced the Marquette method. What I like most about the Marquette method is that it’s more accurate in testing as well as having a longer test window. Monika has been a helpful and responsive instructor. She presented all material in timely matter and provided the support I needed in returning to NFP postpartum.”

— Breastfeeding Client


“I was looking for a new NFP method to utilize in order to monitor my health. The Marquette Method is very objective; however, it can be difficult to navigate in the beginning which is why having an instructor is so important. I am grateful for Monika’s clear guidance, direction, and willingness to answer any questions. She is very thorough and really works hard in between follow up sessions to make sure questions are answered and to offer any additional support. I learned so much about my cycle that I would not have known otherwise.”

— Cycle Monitoring Client

“Learning about NFP especially while being newly engaged can be a daunting task. Thanks to her patience and concise teaching, Monika demystified the use of the Marquette Method and has made utilizing it an enjoyable process. Her guidance and willingness to answer all questions, attention to detail, and concise teaching strategies allowed me to learn more about my menstrual cycle and fertility, and brought my fiancé and I closer together. I look forward to continuing to work with Monika as I enter my next phase of married life.”

— Engaged Client


“We have known Monika for many years and we started working with her postpartum. She was very helpful in navigating the challenges of charting our fertility when my period returned. One of the things we enjoy about the Marquette Method is its flexibility in the use of different markers and double checks to confirm periods of fertility and infertility. We highly recommend Monika as a Marquette Instructor because of her patience, kindness, sensitivity and competence.”

— Postpartum Couple